*Towns under the federal government management: * *Sarov (Саров) *Cities under the oblast's jurisdiction: * *Nizhny Novgorod (Нижний Новгород) (administrative center) * * *''city districts'':〔Administrative structure of Nizhny Novgorod—(The City Charter (''Ustav'') of Nizhny Novgorod )〕 * * * *Avtozavodsky (Автозаводский) * * * *Kanavinsky (Канавинский) * * * *Leninsky (Ленинский) * * * *Moskovsky (Московский) * * * * *with 1 ''selsovet'' under the city district's jurisdiction. * * * *Nizhegorodsky (Нижегородский) * * * *Prioksky (Приокский) * * * *Sormovsky (Сормовский) * * * *Sovetsky (Советский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the city's jurisdiction: * * * *Zelyony Gorod resort settlement (Зелёный Город) * *Arzamas (Арзамас) * *Bor (Бор) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the city's jurisdiction. * *Dzerzhinsk (Дзержинск) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the city's jurisdiction: * * * *Gavrilovka (Гавриловка) * * * *Gorbatovka (Горбатовка) * * * *Zhyolnino (Жёлнино) * * *with 2 ''selsovets'' under the city's jurisdiction. * *Pervomaysk (Первомайск) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the town's jurisdiction: * * * *Satis (Сатис) * *Semyonov (Семёнов) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the town's jurisdiction: * * * *Sukhobezvodnoye (Сухобезводное) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the town's jurisdiction * *Shakhunya (Шахунья) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the town's jurisdiction: * * * *Vakhtan (Вахтан) * * * *Syava (Сява) * * *with 5 ''selsoviets'' under the town's jurisdiction * *Vyksa (Выкса) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the town's jurisdiction: * * * *Blizhne-Pesochnoye (Ближне-Песочное) * * * *Doschatoye (Досчатое) * * * *Shimorskoye (Шиморское) * * * *Vilya (Виля) * * *with 2 ''selsovets'' under the town's jurisdiction *Districts: * *Ardatovsky (Ардатовский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Ardatov (Ардатов) * * * *Mukhtolovo (Мухтолово) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Arzamassky (Арзамасский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Vyezdnoye (Выездное) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Balakhninsky (Балахнинский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Balakhna (Балахна) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Bolshoye Kozino (Большое Козино) * * * *Gidrotorf (Гидроторф) * * * *Lukino (Лукино) * * * *Maloye Kozino (Малое Козино) * * * *Pervoye Maya (Первое Мая) * * *with 3 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Bogorodsky (Богородский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Bogorodsk (Богородск) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Bolsheboldinsky (Большеболдинский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Bolshemurashkinsky (Большемурашкинский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Bolshoye Murashkino (Большое Мурашкино) * * *with 3 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Buturlinsky (Бутурлинский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Buturlino (Бутурлино) * * *with 5 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Chkalovsky (Чкаловский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Chkalovsk (Чкаловск) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Dalnekonstantinovsky (Дальнеконстантиновский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Dalneye Konstantinovo (Дальнее Константиново) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Diveyevsky (Дивеевский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Gaginsky (Гагинский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Gorodetsky (Городецкий) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Gorodets (Городец) * * * *Zavolzhye (Заволжье) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Pervomaysky (Первомайский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Knyagininsky (Княгининский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Knyaginino (Княгинино) * * *with 4 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Koverninsky (Ковернинский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Kovernino (Ковернино) * * *with 5 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Krasnobakovsky (Краснобаковский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Krasnye Baki (Красные Баки) * * * *Vetluzhsky (Ветлужский) * * *with 4 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Krasnooktyabrsky (Краснооктябрьский) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kstovsky (Кстовский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Kstovo (Кстово) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kulebaksky (Кулебакский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Kulebaki (Кулебаки) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Gremyachevo (Гремячево) * * * *Veletma (Велетьма) * * *with 4 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Lukoyanovsky (Лукояновский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Lukoyanov (Лукоянов) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Imeni Stepana Razina (Имени Степана Разина) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Lyskovsky (Лысковский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Lyskovo (Лысково) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Navashinsky (Навашинский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Navashino (Навашино) * * *with 4 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pavlovsky (Павловский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Gorbatov (Горбатов) * * * *Pavlovo (Павлово) * * * *Vorsma (Ворсма) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Tumbotino (Тумботино) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Perevozsky (Перевозский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Perevoz (Перевоз) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pilninsky (Пильнинский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Pilna (Пильна) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pochinkovsky (Починковский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Sechenovsky (Сеченовский) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Sergachsky (Сергачский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Sergach (Сергач) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Sharangsky (Шарангский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Sharanga (Шаранга) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Shatkovsky (Шатковский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Lesogorsk (Лесогорск) * * * *Shatki (Шатки) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Sokolsky (Сокольский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Sokolskoye (Сокольское) * * *with 3 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Sosnovsky (Сосновский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Sosnovskoye (Сосновское) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Spassky (Спасский) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Tonkinsky (Тонкинский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Tonkino (Тонкино) * * *with 4 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Tonshayevsky (Тоншаевский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Pizhma (Пижма) * * * *Shaygino (Шайгино) * * * *Tonshayevo (Тоншаево) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Urensky (Уренский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Uren (Урень) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Arya (Арья) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Vachsky (Вачский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Vacha (Вача) * * *with 5 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Vadsky (Вадский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Varnavinsky (Варнавинский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Varnavino (Варнавино) * * *with 5 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Vetluzhsky (Ветлужский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Vetluga (Ветлуга) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Imeni M. I. Kalinina * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Volodarsky (Володарский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Volodarsk (Володарск) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Frolishchi (Фролищи) * * * *Ilyinogorsk (Ильиногорск) * * * *Reshetikha (Решетиха) * * * *Smolino (Смолино) * * * *Tsentralny (Центральный) * * * *Yuganets (Юганец) * * *with 4 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Vorotynsky (Воротынский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Vasilsursk (Васильсурск) * * * *Vorotynets (Воротынец) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Voskresensky (Воскресенский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Voskresenskoye (Воскресенское) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Voznesensky (Вознесенский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Voznesenskoye (Вознесенское) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. ==References== 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Administrative divisions of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク